Ep 77 - What You Can Do In The Term 1 Break To Prepare For Next Year

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What we’re talking about:

It’s the last week of Term 1! I know you’re tired, but if you can spend a little bit of time doing these 3 things during the holidays, you’ll thank yourself later.

2:12 Prepare for your SEAS application

SEAS stands for Special Entry Access Scheme and is part of your VTAC application, so you can’t actually apply until later in the year. However, you might need a statement of support from someone who can explain how your circumstances have created an educational disadvantage for you, like a doctor, psychologist, teacher, social worker, etc. If you think you might need a statement from someone later, work out who that might be, and discuss it with them now so that they know what to do when you’re ready to submit your application.

9:34 Start thinking about what you might like to do next year

You don’t need to make a decision yet, but start thinking about how you will get the information you need so that you can make an informed decision later. Can you talk to a teacher or career counsellor? Can you look at uni and TAFE websites or industry organisation websites to get some ideas? Can you speak to someone in the community or the parents/siblings of a friend about the work they do so you can learn more about it? Have you checked out past episodes of this podcast to see if there’s one about a course or career that interests you?

14:36 Make a shortlist of places you’d like to study

By narrowing down the list, you can be aware of the Open Days that you’re most interested in and sign up for newsletters as a prospective student so that you don’t miss any extra opportunities to find out more about the courses they offer.

Links mentioned:

My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com