Ep 61 - Laboratory Medicine

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What we’re talking about:

Today I’m interviewing Hayley, who has completed a Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine and now works as a Medical Scientist in Haematology & Blood Transfusion at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

1:49 Beginning of Hayley’s interview

When Hayley was younger she wanted to work as a kindergarten teacher, but it wasn’t long before she changed her mind and wanted to do something in the medical field where she could also work with children.

3:18 Hayley’s VCE journey

Hayley accelerated in both Further Maths and Outdoor Education, and she also completed Biology, Chemistry and Visual Communication. She started Maths Methods and completed unit 1 before deciding that it wasn’t for her. We discuss the difference between Further Maths and Maths Methods and why Hayley preferred Further Maths. She also gives some great tips about how to use your time efficiently and effectively at school during VCE, and we both give tips about how we studied for English to feel confident writing essays when it wasn’t a strength for either of us.

17:35 Finding the right course

Hayley had read about being a medical laboratory technician and felt like that was the right career for her. Because of that, she decided she would study Biomedicine at La Trobe. But after she went to the RMIT Open Day and found out about the Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine, she realised that this was actually the course she needed to become a medical scientist (a level above a medical lab technician) and became really excited about it.

21:33 The difference between studying Biomedicine and Laboratory Medicine

Hayley does a great job of explaining what Laboratory Medicine is and how it’s different to Biomedicine. She also explains exactly what you study in this course at RMIT including the five areas that you can choose from (anatomical pathology, clinical biochemistry, haematology, medical microbiology, transfusion and transplantation science).

25:28 What is haematology and transfusion?

Hayley’s majors are haematology and transfusion or blood bank, and she explains in detail what that is and the types of tasks she does in her role at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

30:34 The Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine at RMIT

The course includes an extended full time placement and Hayley explains how that process works and the benefits of her placement. She also shares about the research project that she did and the professional organisation the students were encouraged to join while they were studying. We discuss how these experiences are so helpful in terms of feeling confident applying for jobs and beginning your career.

38:24 How would students know this would be a good career for them?

Hayley discusses the ways she knew that working as a medical scientist would be a good career for her, particularly in comparison to being a doctor or researcher.

Links mentioned:

Discuss the podcast and get free career counselling advice here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcecourseandcareerchat

My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine at RMIT: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/levels-of-study/undergraduate-study/honours-degrees/bachelor-of-laboratory-medicine-honours-bh129